Leigh lodges do the Double
18th November 2013
Leigh Lodge of Mark Masters Masons No1322 and Leigh Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners, also 1322 meet on the same evening at Leigh Masonic Hall and at their November meeting they did the double by having a candidate in each lodge.
The RAM lodge always meets before the Mark lodge so Worshipful Commander Bro Brian Bawden had the pleasure of elevating Brother Stuart Boyd, a member of Shepherd Eastwood Mark Lodge No 1173 in the first ceremony. Stuart formerly lived in Leigh and was renewing his links with the town.
left to right: Brian Bawden, Stuart Boyd, David Scase and James Carey
Later in the evening Leigh Mark Lodge was opened and Worshipful Master James Carey advanced Brother David Scase into the Mark degree ably assisted during the ceremony by Worshipful Brother Barry Fisher, who conducted part of the ceremony.
All the members of both lodges should be rightly proud of a super evening with a pleasant festive board, with good food and excellent banter, enjoyed by all.
Article and Photo courtesy of Fred Lomax